Our I AM ALGAE Spirulina cube is the perfect ingredient to add to your daily routine. Fresh, tasty, easy to use, and above all, very healthy.
Our Spirulina is fresh frozen food
Looking at all these benefits, you might think we are promoting a supplement. At I AM ALGAE, we believe in the opposite. Fresh Spirulina is food and deserves to be a valuable ingredient in any kitchen.

Boost your health
We cultivate high quality Spirulina and turn it into tasty fresh frozen cubes to boost your health.
60% Of Spirulina is pure proteine. This beats any other food in the world.
Richly filled with the following vitamins: A, C, E, K, B1, B2, and B6. Spirulina is 100% natural so your body will easily adopt all of these vitamins within no-time.